Here you will find all the traditional festivities of one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
Arriva a Venezia la prima edizione del Salone dell’Alto Artigianato Italiano, un evento unico che celebra l’arte e l’artigianato italiano nel cuore della laguna, culla di antichi mestieri e di un saper fare tramandato nei secoli.
La settima edizione di The Venice Glass Week ha ufficialmente preso il via e ha raggiunto, con i suoi colori e le sue opere, anche Mestre. Ogni anno, infatti, sotto una veste diversa, il festival internazionale del vetro porta i suoi colori e le sue forme anche nella terraferma.
The "Madonna della Salute" is celebrated every year on 21st of November
It’s the day dedicated to the patron saint of the city, and it’s celebrated on April 25th, coinciding with the celebrations of the liberation of Italy from the Nazi-fascist regime.
Every year on April 25, Venice also celebrates the Bocolo Festival or the Rosebud.
From January 27 to February 13, 2024
The Venice Carnival in Italy is one of the oldest Venetian festivity.
September 1st 2024
The first evidence of the Historical Regatta is in the thirteenth century but it is probably much older since the city of Venice has always been projected on the sea.It takes place every year on the first Sunday of September.
Saturday 20 July and Sunday 21 July 2024
The Redeemer is one of the favourite event of Venetians.It takes place on the third week end of July
Sunday 12 May 2024.
One of the oldest Venetian festivities, it has been celebrated for more than 1000 years...
From 27th of January to 13th of February 2024
Maybe the oldest festival in Venice. It seems to have been established between 932 and 944.
from 25 December to 6 January.
The perfect opportunity to experience the city in the most magical moment of the year, surrounded by a thousand lights that are reflected on the water.
19th of May 2024
One of the most awaited moments in Venice for all lovers of rowing boats
20 April - 24 November 2024
One of the most awaited events for all art lovers